5 Ways To Beat Your Allergies This Spring

You wake up energized and don’t hit snooze. Get in a good morning workout. Return all of your text messages before getting to the office. Make healthy choices at lunch. Ace an afternoon presentation, and then out of nowhere – allergies. Suddenly you can’t concentrate, your sneezing all over your keyboard, your mascara is running because your eyes won’t stop watering. You’re a mess and the day started out so well.

It’s spring time and for many of us that means it’s the worst time. Pollen, dander, dust, whatever is in the air floats into your body and ruins everything. Common symptoms include:

  • Congestion

  • Post-nasal drip

  • Excess mucus production

  • Sneezing

  • Runny nose

  • Itchy, watery eyes

However, there are a few things you can do to reduce how badly your allergies affect your body.


Here are 5 ways to beat the sneeze this spring:



We know it’s a bummer because the weather barely stopped being freezing AF, but you got to close the windows, and then you need to clean your place. Whether you DIY or outsource the cleaning, make sure to use all natural products. Many chemicals in traditional cleaning products have been shown to trigger allergic reactions especially in the spring when our allergic response is already turnt.



Yes, certain products are to die for, but some are like putting a giant sign up that says, “hey allergens come live on my skin and hair.” Lotion, gel, mousse are all really good at trapping pollen, so make sure you wash up when you get back inside.



Isn’t it weird how being hydrated helps with like every problem? Better skin – hydrate. Fewer allergies – hydrate. World peace – hydrate (ok, not literally every problem). Not only can chronic-dehydration be mistaken for allergies, histamines control the flow of water into the body – that’s why we sometimes feel parched after taking an allergy pill. Bottom line, always keep a few COREs around and drink up!



You obv know how important it is to eat organic, but are you eating enough fatty acids? Studies show that consuming fatty acids from flax or hemp seed oil can reduce the symptoms of allergies. It’s also a good idea, during allergy season, to avoid mucous causing foods like milk and processed wheat and sugar.



A recent study showed that a test group who received acupuncture at meaningful points of the body meant to help with allergies had fewer allergy symptoms than a group receiving needles in random parts of their body. Not only that, but there is tons of anecdotal evidence that acupuncture can offer relief from allergies. There are also Chinese herbs that could alleviate symptoms as well. So, text your woo-woo friend and ask her who she recommends.